Gordy Frost

An unforgettable moment in 1953 at Harrison Hot Springs, the year Queen Elizabeth II took over – was the Grecian Urn Dance in Togas and Garlands – starring James Sullivan and Hal Von Breton as lead ballet dancers. Also that year, Bob Sullivan had driven from San Diego to Canada with his family to attend the Convention — and thus won the golf trophy for “making the longest drive”.
Bill Fahs remembers that in 1948 at Santa Barbara when C. C. Bonhoff was President, and Don White V.P., was the first time the ladies took over the Club Room en masse. He says “Bless them, they have run it ever since”.

The members might like to know that at this convention things got to the point that a resolution was passed and approved that no mill representative would be welcome at our meetings in the future. Word got around and all later meetings have been restricted to only qualified members.

In 1959 at Sun Valley, Gordon Frost President, Milton Taenzer, V.P. The regatta was held on the hotel lawn and turned out to be a hockey game in a wild way. There were many bruises and that was when Lyall Bell lost his two front teeth.

For many years, my father, A.A. (Al) Frost would only consent to let Al or me attend about every other Convention. Finally we wore him down by the “dripping water” technique. But I will never forget his reply when I asked to attend a particularly desireable convention (probably far from San Diego) – “Well, if that’s the way you want to take your vacation…”

Gordy Frost

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